Environment Library - Templates - Environments

Templates - Environments

Clicking the Environments node will load the Environment Instance Management screen.

Fig. 1. The Environment Instance Management Screen

Option What it is
Selected Select this option to Edit or Delete the Environment Template
Name Displays the name of the Environment Template
Description Displays a description of the Environment Template
Default Indicates whether or not the Template is currently being used as the default Template

Clicking on the name of a particular Environment will load the Manage Permissions screen, which is used to configure Read Only and Modify User Rights within that Environment.

By default, all users are granted full rights to work on the Environment, and the Manage Permissions screen will therefore be blank by default:

Fig. 2. The default Manage Permissions Screen

When permissions are assigned to specific Users/Groups, the default is overwritten and only those people with rights are able to work on the Environment according to the specific permissions assigned to them. If you need to specify User/Group account permissions, then accounts must be added and configured using the procedure below in order to avoid errors:

  1. Add a System Administrator account. Grant this account Read Only and Modify permissions (see Figure 3 below).
  2. Add an account containing the K2 Designer for SharePoint deployment application pool identity. Grant this account Read Only permission (see Figure 3 below).
  3. Add accounts for each User/Group who will be working on the environment, granting the needed permissions for each user or group.  

Fig. 3. Permissions assigned to specific users

Option What it is
User Name Presents the path and system name of a User
Read Only Selecting Read Only grants limited read only rights to the associated User. The user has permission to see and use the environment, but is not able to change any environment values such as the SmartObject Server name etc.
Modify Selecting Modify grants modification rights to the associated User, giving them permission to modify environment values such as changing the environment field of the SmartObject Server to point to another server etc.
Type Presents the User type (i.e. User or Group)

Clicking the Environment Fields node within a particular Environment will load the Fields management screen for that Environment.

Fig. 4. The Environment Library Fields manager screen

Option What it is
Selected Select this option to Edit or Delete the Environment Field
Name Displays the name of the Environment Field
Description Displays a description of the Environment Field
Default Indicates whether or not the Field is used within the default Template
Field Type Displays the Template Field Type
Value Displays the Value of the Server connection

Add/Edit Field Category:

Fig. 5. The Edit Environment Library Field Dialogue

Option What it is
Field Name The name that defines the particular Field
Field Description A description of the particular Field
Field Type The K2 Field Type
Set as Default Check this box if this Environment Field is to be added by default to a new Environment
Field Value The particular value that defines the connection to the Server of this Field Type
See Also

Environment Browser in K2 Designers



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